Products at promotional prices, all
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - Artykuł sponsorowany
Chronos Magazine 2/2022
Chronos Magazine 4-5/2022 (e-issue)
Film&TV Kamera package 2020
Film&TV Kamera package 2020
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 370x200
Chronos Catalog collection 2020 - 2021
Biblioteka przedsiębiorczych: Vademecum sprzedawcy (e-issue)
Chronos Catalog editon 2023 (e-issue)
Chronos Magazine 2/2024 (e-issue)
Chronos Catalog editon 2025 (e-issue)
Chronos Magazine 1/2024 (e-issue)
Biblioteka przedsiębiorczych: Wnętrze sklepu (e-issue)
Chronos Catalog editon 2022 (e-issue)
Chronos Catalog editon 2021 (e-issue)
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - Konkurs sponsorowany
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - Artykuł sponsorowany + post FB
Chronos Catalog editon 2018
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 980x150
Chronos Catalog editon 2021
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 1140x150
Chronos Catalog edition 2023 (with a sticker)
Chronos Catalog editon 2024 (e-issue)
Chronos Magazine 4-5/2023 (e-issue)
Chronos Catalog editon 2019 (e-issue)
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 755x150
Chronos subscription (e-issues)
Chronos Catalog editon 2020
Chronos Magazine 1/2023 (e-issue)
Chronos Magazine 2/2023 (e-issue)
Chronos Catalog collection 2020 - 2022
Zegarki&Biżuteria 3-4/2024
Chronos subscription (e-issues)
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 755x150
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 370x200
Chronos subscription
Chronos Magazine 4-5/2024
Zegarki&Biżuteria 1-2/2024
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 1140x150
Chronos Magazine 4-5/2024 (e-issue)
Zegarki&Biżuteria 3-4/2024
Dedicated to professionals from jewellery and watch sector Zegarki&Biżuteria magazine is a business paper which reports all important for branch. Design, trends, fairs, technology and selling – our editorial team reports and asks experts, attending the most important events and trade fairs. All these transfered into high quality editorial, delivered four time a year to desks of decision makers. Zegarki&Bizuteria is a reliable platform to communicate and find new business partners.
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Aproksymacja wielomianowa liniowa
Pakiet zawiera 13 programów:
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Operacje na macierzach
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Pierwiastki rzeczywiste wielomianów - metoda stycznych - Newtona
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Macierze - obliczanie wyznacznika macierzy stopnia co najmniej piątego i szóstego
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Macierze - wybór elementu głównego, wyznacznika, wyniki pośrednie - Metoda Gaussa
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Nieliniowe równanie wielomianowe z założoną dokładnością - znajdowanie pierwiastków
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Wyznaczniki macierzy - Metoda Gaussa z wyborem elementu głównego w wierszu
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Aproksymacja - szukanie wielomianu
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Wyznaczanie wielomianu aproksymującego 2. stopnia drugiego dla funkcji dyskretnej
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Interpolacja Lagrange\'a
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Interpolacja wielomianowa
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Aproksymacja wielomianowa - funkcja liniowa i kwadratowa
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Współczynnik wielomianu aproksymacyjnego
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Aproksymacja wielomianowa liniowa
Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera subscription (e-issue)
Yearly subscription.
Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.
Chronos subscription (e-issues)
Yearly subscription.
Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.
4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 755x150
Banner reklamowy 755x150 pikseli na portalu Dziecko w Warszawie -
Okres wyświetlania na portalu: 7 dni.
Statystyki portalu:
Liczba odsłon: 130 000/m-c
Liczba Unikalnych Użytkowników: 39 150/m-c
Liczba fanów (FB): 19 900 +
Katalog Rynek Obuwniczy (Shoe Market Catalogue) (archive issue)
The only publication on the Polish market presenting models of watches from the latest collections presented at the exhibition in Basel. A MUST HAVE item for all those who are interested in watches. The technical parameters of each model make it easy to compare and evaluate watches. It is published once a year. The editorial content presented in the Chronos catalog is supplemented by the portal. The catalog can be purchased separately or as a Chronos subscription
Monitor Kulturalny (subscription)
Yearly subscription.
Monitor Kulturalny is a magazine dedicated to booksellers, librarians and publishers of books and CDs with music and film. The new publications and reviews presented in the pages are intended to help in selecting the best offer that can be offered to customers of a bookstore or library. Each issue contains important information for the publishing and book market as well as libraries. The most important events in the life of the industry are described. Readers can also benefit from advice from specialists who will advise booksellers how to increase their turnover, and librarians how to attract new readers. The printed edition supplements the portal
Papierniczy Świat - Paper World (subscription)
Yearly subscription.
Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).
Świat Zabawek - World of Toys (subscription)
Yearly subscription.
Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).
Zegarki&Biżuteria 3-4/2024 (e-issue)
Dedicated to professionals from jewellery and watch sector Zegarki&Biżuteria magazine is a business paper which reports all important for branch. Design, trends, fairs, technology and selling – our editorial team reports and asks experts, attending the most important events and trade fairs. All these transfered into high quality editorial, delivered four time a year to desks of decision makers. Zegarki&Bizuteria is a reliable platform to communicate and find new business partners.
Papierniczy Świat - Paper World subscription (e-issues)
Yearly subscription.
Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).
Świat Zabawek - World of Toys subscription (e-issues)
Yearly subscription.
Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Aproksymacja wielomianowa liniowa
Zawartość pakietu:
- Archiwum ZIP: Zawiera projekt Netbeans i plik JAR.
- Kody źródłowe: Projekt Netbeans z kodem gotowym do modyfikacji.
- Executable JAR: Uruchomienie programu w celu szybkiego przetestowania funkcjonalności.
Specyfikacja kodu źródłowego:
- Edytowalność: Kod źródłowy jest dostosowany do szybkich zmian i personalizacji.
- Rozszerzalność: Kod jest konfigurowalny i może być zintegrowany z innymi projektami.
Instrukcja uruchomienia:
- Wymagania: Upewnij się, że Java Runtime Environment (JRE) jest zainstalowana.
- Uruchomienie: Użyj pliku
w głównym katalogu programu dla Windows lub wykonajjava -jar nazwa_programu.jar
w terminalu. - Wsparcie: W przypadku trudności, zapoznaj się z dołączoną instrukcją w sekcji "Jak uruchomić program?".
Założenia programu:
Wprowadź punkty szukane i wciśnij przycisk .
Dane przykładowe:
1 -9.0 11.5 2 -2.0 8.6 3 -1.0 10.8 4 1.0 10.5 5 5.0 9.0 6 6.0 9.8 7 10.0 10.2 8 12.0 10.3 9 15.0 12.3 10 16.0 12.4 11 17.0 12.4 12 18.0 10.5 13 19.0 10.4
Wielomian: 10.268110173539247 + x * 0.048734277981213096
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 370x200
Banner reklamowy 370x200 pikseli na portalu Dziecko w Warszawie -
Okres wyświetlania na portalu: 7 dni.
Statystyki portalu:
Liczba odsłon: 130 000/m-c
Liczba Unikalnych Użytkowników: 39 150/m-c
Liczba fanów (FB): 19 900 +
Monitor Kulturalny 2/2021 (current edition)
Monitor Kulturalny is a magazine dedicated to booksellers, librarians and publishers of books and CDs with music and film. The new publications and reviews presented in the pages are intended to help in selecting the best offer that can be offered to customers of a bookstore or library. Each issue contains important information for the publishing and book market as well as libraries. The most important events in the life of the industry are described. Readers can also benefit from advice from specialists who will advise booksellers how to increase their turnover, and librarians how to attract new readers. The printed edition supplements the portal
Chronos subscription
Yearly subscription.
Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.
4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also
Świat Butów - Shoe World (subscription)
Yearly subscription.
The only mothly in Poland focused on shoe business. High quality content is dedicated to design, trends production, logistic, law and many more. The goal is one: to provide all information for decision makers. The goal is achieved, therefore each month our magazine is delievered to thousands of key people in branch. Świat Butów magazine is the most respected business paper and the precious platform to seek for new business partners.
Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera subscription
Yearly subscription.
Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.
Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera 1/2025
Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.
Zabawki Papier Książki - Toys Paper Books 1/2025
Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).
Chronos Magazine 4-5/2024
Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.
4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also
Świat Zabawek - World of Toys 10/2024
Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).
Papierniczy Świat - Paper World 9-10/2024
Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).
Zegarki&Biżuteria 1-2/2024
Dedicated to professionals from jewellery and watch sector Zegarki&Biżuteria magazine is a business paper which reports all important for branch. Design, trends, fairs, technology and selling – our editorial team reports and asks experts, attending the most important events and trade fairs. All these transfered into high quality editorial, delivered four time a year to desks of decision makers. Zegarki&Bizuteria is a reliable platform to communicate and find new business partners.
Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Aproksymacja wielomianowa - funkcja liniowa i kwadratowa
Zawartość pakietu:
- Archiwum ZIP: Zawiera projekt Netbeans i plik JAR.
- Kody źródłowe: Projekt Netbeans z kodem gotowym do modyfikacji.
- Executable JAR: Uruchomienie programu w celu szybkiego przetestowania funkcjonalności.
Specyfikacja kodu źródłowego:
- Edytowalność: Kod źródłowy jest dostosowany do szybkich zmian i personalizacji.
- Rozszerzalność: Kod jest konfigurowalny i może być zintegrowany z innymi projektami.
Instrukcja uruchomienia:
- Wymagania: Upewnij się, że Java Runtime Environment (JRE) jest zainstalowana.
- Uruchomienie: Użyj pliku
w głównym katalogu programu dla Windows lub wykonajjava -jar nazwa_programu.jar
w terminalu. - Wsparcie: W przypadku trudności, zapoznaj się z dołączoną instrukcją w sekcji "Jak uruchomić program?".
Założenia programu:
Wprowadź dane i wciśnij przycisk .
Funkcje aproksymacyjne:
Funkcja liniowa:P1(X) = -3.6 + x * -0.1
Funkcja kwadratowa: P2(X) = -4.314285714285714 + -0.1 * X + 0.35714285714285715 * X^2
Przykładowe dane:
id | x | y |
1 | -1.0 | -3.0 |
2 | -2.0 | -3.0 |
3 | 0.0 | -5.0 |
4 | 1.0 | -4.0 |
5 | 2.0 | -3.0 |
Świat Butów - Shoe World 10-12/2022 (e-issue)
Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).
Portal Dziecko w Warszawie - banner 1140x150
Banner reklamowy 1140x150 pikseli na portalu Dziecko w Warszawie -
Okres wyświetlania na portalu: 7 dni.
Statystyki portalu:
Liczba odsłon: 130 000/m-c
Liczba Unikalnych Użytkowników: 39 150/m-c
Liczba fanów (FB): 19 900 +
Monitor Kulturalny 1/2021 (e-issue)
Monitor Kulturalny is a magazine dedicated to booksellers, librarians and publishers of books and CDs with music and film. The new publications and reviews presented in the pages are intended to help in selecting the best offer that can be offered to customers of a bookstore or library. Each issue contains important information for the publishing and book market as well as libraries. The most important events in the life of the industry are described. Readers can also benefit from advice from specialists who will advise booksellers how to increase their turnover, and librarians how to attract new readers. The printed edition supplements the portal
Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera 1/2025 (e-issue)
Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.
Chronos Magazine 4-5/2024 (e-issue)
Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.
4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also