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There are 223 products.

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Chronos Magazine 1/2023


Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.

4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also

Papierniczy Świat - Paper World 1-3/2022


Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).

Świat Butów - Shoe World 1-2/2022


The only mothly in Poland focused on shoe business. High quality content is dedicated to design, trends production, logistic, law and many more. The goal is one: to provide all information for decision makers. The goal is achieved, therefore each month our magazine is delievered to thousands of key people in branch. Świat Butów magazine is the most respected business paper and the precious platform to seek for new business partners.

Katalog Zegarki&Biżuteria (Watche&Jewellery Catalogue) (archive issue)


The Watch & Jewellery Catalogue (Katalog Zegarki & Biżuteria) is a yearly compendium containing updated data featuring all companies working in the Polish watch and jewellery industry and trade. This information is an essential tool for all people interested in this business. It helps in planning and realization of purchase and sale. It will help in making new business contacts. The Watch and Jewellery Catalogue is distributed to selected shops, wholesalers and producers all over Poland. It is distributed at national and international fairs and sent to members of SRJ (Stowarzyszenie Rzeczoznawców Jubilerskich).

Świat Zabawek - World of Toys 11-12/2023 (e-issue)


Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).

Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Pierwiastki rzeczywiste wielomi


Zawartość pakietu:

  • Archiwum ZIP: Zawiera projekt Netbeans i plik JAR.
    • Kody źródłowe: Projekt Netbeans z kodem gotowym do modyfikacji.
    • Executable JAR: Uruchomienie programu w celu szybkiego przetestowania funkcjonalności.

Specyfikacja kodu źródłowego:

  • Edytowalność: Kod źródłowy jest dostosowany do szybkich zmian i personalizacji.
  • Rozszerzalność: Kod jest konfigurowalny i może być zintegrowany z innymi projektami.

Instrukcja uruchomienia:

  • Wymagania: Upewnij się, że Java Runtime Environment (JRE) jest zainstalowana.
  • Uruchomienie: Użyj pliku run.bat w głównym katalogu programu dla Windows lub wykonaj java -jar nazwa_programu.jar w terminalu.
  • Wsparcie: W przypadku trudności, zapoznaj się z dołączoną instrukcją w sekcji "Jak uruchomić program?".

Możliwości programu:

Treść zadania:

Metoda stycznych (Newtona) znaleźć wszystkie rzeczywiste pierwiastki poniższych równań algebraicznych:

x^5 + x^4 - x^3 - 0.2*x^2 + 3*x + 0.5 = 0
x^6 - 6*x^5 + 3*x^4 + 5*x^3 - 6*x + 2 = 0


x^9 + 3*x^8 - x^7 + x^6 + 6*x^5 - 7*x^4 + x^3 + x^2 - x + 2 = 0

Podać błędy bezwzględne rozwiązań (|f(x)|) oraz dokładność znalezionych pierwiastków (błąd bezwzględny dwóch ostatnich przybliżeń pierwiastka).
[Pierwiastki rzeczywiste wielomianów - metoda stycznych - Newtona]

Przykładowe rozwiązanie zadania dla wielomianu x^8 - 5*x^7 + 3*x^6 + 8*x^5 - 35*x^4 + 73*x^3 - 6*x^2 + 23*x + 7 = 0:
Obliczanie pierwiastków wielomianu:

1.0x^8 + -5.0x^7 + 3.0x^6 + 8.0x^5 + -35.0x^4 + 73.0x^3 + -6.0x^2 + 23.0x^1 + 7.0
x[0] = -2.1833226915568296

Błąd rozwiązania: 4.85201212541142E-10
Dokładność: 1.5160761535071288E-10

x[1] = -0.2440592131599001

Błąd rozwiązania: 0.16218081536159623
Dokładność: 0.3772381971071004

x[2] = 2.2664087822610406

Błąd rozwiązania: 1.411901706660501E-10
Dokładność: 4.5709658280657095E-11

x[3] = 4.016776856014426

Błąd rozwiązania: 2.3505908330889724E-10
Dokładność: 1.339772737196654E-10

Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera 1/2023 (e-issue)


Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.

Chronos Magazine 1/2023...
  • -zł5.01

Chronos Magazine 1/2023 (e-issue)

zł19.99 zł25.00

Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.

4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also

Papierniczy Świat - Paper World 11-12/2021


Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).

Świat Butów - Shoe World 12/2021


The only mothly in Poland focused on shoe business. High quality content is dedicated to design, trends production, logistic, law and many more. The goal is one: to provide all information for decision makers. The goal is achieved, therefore each month our magazine is delievered to thousands of key people in branch. Świat Butów magazine is the most respected business paper and the precious platform to seek for new business partners.

Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Nieliniowe równanie wielomianowe z założoną dokładnością - znajdowanie pierwiastów


Zawartość pakietu:

  • Archiwum ZIP: Zawiera projekt Netbeans i plik JAR.
    • Kody źródłowe: Projekt Netbeans z kodem gotowym do modyfikacji.
    • Executable JAR: Uruchomienie programu w celu szybkiego przetestowania funkcjonalności.

Specyfikacja kodu źródłowego:

  • Edytowalność: Kod źródłowy jest dostosowany do szybkich zmian i personalizacji.
  • Rozszerzalność: Kod jest konfigurowalny i może być zintegrowany z innymi projektami.

Instrukcja uruchomienia:

  • Wymagania: Upewnij się, że Java Runtime Environment (JRE) jest zainstalowana.
  • Uruchomienie: Użyj pliku run.bat w głównym katalogu programu dla Windows lub wykonaj java -jar nazwa_programu.jar w terminalu.
  • Wsparcie: W przypadku trudności, zapoznaj się z dołączoną instrukcją w sekcji "Jak uruchomić program?".

Możliwości programu:

Treść zadania: 
Stworzyć narzędzie do znajdowania we wskazanym przedziale pierwiastków nieliniowego równania wielomianowego z założoną dokładnością. Stworzone narzędzie należy przetestować dla 3 różnych równań, dokonać analizy błędów, a rozwiązanie zilustrować graficznie.

Równanie nr 1: ax^3-bx^2-cx+d=0
Równanie nr 2: ax^3+bx^2-cx+d=0
Równanie nr 3: ax^3-bx^2-cx-d=0

Pole [równanie] - oznacza równanie które zostanie użyte podczas obliczeń
pole [dokładność] - oznacza dokładność obliczeń
pole [przedział OD] - oznacza przedział początkowy
pole [przedział DO] - oznacza przedział końcowy\n" +
pole [a] - oznacza współczynnik \"a\" podstawiany do wybranego równania
pole [b] - oznacza współczynnik \"b\" podstawiany do wybranego równania
pole [c] - oznacza współczynnik \"c\" podstawiany do wybranego równania
pole [d] - oznacza współczynnik \"d\" podstawiany do wybranego równania

Świat Zabawek - World of Toys 10/2023


Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).

Chronos Magazine 4-5/2022


Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.

4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also

Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera 4/2022


Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.

Zegarki & Biżuteria subscription


Yearly subscription.

Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.

Świat Butów - Shoe World 10-11/2021


The only mothly in Poland focused on shoe business. High quality content is dedicated to design, trends production, logistic, law and many more. The goal is one: to provide all information for decision makers. The goal is achieved, therefore each month our magazine is delievered to thousands of key people in branch. Świat Butów magazine is the most respected business paper and the precious platform to seek for new business partners.

Papierniczy Świat - Paper World 10/2021


Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).

Kody źródłowe JAVA: Metody numeryczne - Macierze - wybór elementu głównego, wyznacznika, wyniki pośrednie - Metoda Gaussa


Zawartość pakietu:

  • Archiwum ZIP: Zawiera projekt Netbeans i plik JAR.
    • Kody źródłowe: Projekt Netbeans z kodem gotowym do modyfikacji.
    • Executable JAR: Uruchomienie programu w celu szybkiego przetestowania funkcjonalności.

Specyfikacja kodu źródłowego:

  • Edytowalność: Kod źródłowy jest dostosowany do szybkich zmian i personalizacji.
  • Rozszerzalność: Kod jest konfigurowalny i może być zintegrowany z innymi projektami.

Instrukcja uruchomienia:

  • Wymagania: Upewnij się, że Java Runtime Environment (JRE) jest zainstalowana.
  • Uruchomienie: Użyj pliku run.bat w głównym katalogu programu dla Windows lub wykonaj java -jar nazwa_programu.jar w terminalu.
  • Wsparcie: W przypadku trudności, zapoznaj się z dołączoną instrukcją w sekcji "Jak uruchomić program?".

Możliwości programu:

Ten zestaw kodów źródłowych JAVA skupia się na podstawowych i zaawansowanych operacjach numerycznych z wykorzystaniem macierzy.
W pakiecie znajdziesz metody do: mnożenie macierzy, dodawanie macierzy, potęgowanie macierzy, porównywanie macierzy, transpozycja macierzy, odwracanie macierzy.

  1. Mnożenia macierzy A przez macierz B - algorytm realizujący mnożenie macierzowe zgodnie z regułami algebry.
  2. Dodawania macierzy A do macierzy B - procedura sumująca odpowiadające sobie elementy obu macierzy.
  3. Podnoszenia macierzy A do potęgi - metoda obliczająca potęgę macierzy, wykorzystująca szybkie potęgowanie.
  4. Porównywania macierzy A z macierzą B - funkcja sprawdzająca równość macierzy na podstawie wszystkich elementów.
  5. Transponowania macierzy A (A^t) - algorytm zamieniający wiersze z kolumnami, tworzący macierz transponowaną.
  6. Zamiany wierszy - procedura umożliwiająca zmianę kolejności wierszy w macierzy.
  7. Zamiany kolumn - funkcja pozwalająca na zmianę kolejności kolumn w macierzy.
  8. Odwracania macierzy A (A^-1) - złożony algorytm obliczający macierz odwrotną, jeżeli istnieje.

Świat Zabawek - World of Toys 10/2023 (e-issue)


Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).

Chronos Magazine 4-5/2022...
  • -zł5.01

Chronos Magazine 4-5/2022 (e-issue)

zł19.99 zł25.00

Chronos, the only consumer watch magazine in Poland.

4 times a year reports on the outstanding world of high quality watches. The editorial content highlights new watch models as well as classic watches, watch tests and everything of interest to friends and buyers fascinated by this small technical miracles. See also

Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera 4/2022 (e-issue)


Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.

Świat Butów - Shoe World 9/2021


The only mothly in Poland focused on shoe business. High quality content is dedicated to design, trends production, logistic, law and many more. The goal is one: to provide all information for decision makers. The goal is achieved, therefore each month our magazine is delievered to thousands of key people in branch. Świat Butów magazine is the most respected business paper and the precious platform to seek for new business partners.

Papierniczy Świat - Paper World 9/2021


Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).

Chronos Catalog edition... Chronos Catalog edition...
  • On sale!
  • -zł12.00

Chronos Catalog edition 2023 (with a sticker)

zł33.00 zł45.00

The only publication on the Polish market presenting models of watches from the latest collections presented at the exhibition in Basel. A MUST HAVE item for all those who are interested in watches. The technical parameters of each model make it easy to compare and evaluate watches. It is published once a year. The editorial content presented in the Chronos catalog is supplemented by the portal. The catalog can be purchased separately or as a Chronos subscription

Świat Zabawek - World of Toys 9/2023


Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).

Film&TV Kamera - TV&Film Camera 3/2022


Film & TV Kamera is the leading Polish special interest magazine for production and postproduction in film, video and television. It reports about film fairs, film shootings, new technology, workshops, festivals. It introduces the main persons and events in the film and TV branch in Poland and abroad. Film & TV Kamera, as the major source of branch information is addressed to people engaged in film and TV production i.e.: cinematographers, producers, technical service, script writers, editors, documentary film makers, etc.

Papierniczy Świat - Paper World 7-8/2021


Papierniczy Świat (Paper World), published 8 times a year, is the leading polish POS (Paper-Office-School) trade publication. It is addressed to managers and employees of polish wholesalers and retailers dealing with stationery products and services. Papierniczy Świat is distributed in rotational mailing to retailers and wholesalers in this branch, subscription, kiosks sales, and free handout in all fairs connected with POS products and services in Poland. Papierniczy Świat is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Stationery Press Association (ISPA).

Świat Butów - Shoe World 6-8/2021


The only mothly in Poland focused on shoe business. High quality content is dedicated to design, trends production, logistic, law and many more. The goal is one: to provide all information for decision makers. The goal is achieved, therefore each month our magazine is delievered to thousands of key people in branch. Świat Butów magazine is the most respected business paper and the precious platform to seek for new business partners.

Świat Zabawek - World of Toys 9/2023 (e-issue)


Świat Zabawek (World of Toys) monthly on the desk of industry decision makers. The news magazine. The business magazine. The toy magazine. Świat Zabawek – for all those who make their living in the toy business. Whatever happens in the business – Świat Zabawek is the first to report on it! In-depth research covers all aspects of the toy business from the latest trends to individual company success stories. Świat Zabawek approach to coverage is the foundation for constant opinion-forming discussion in ever-changing market. Świat Zabawek is the exclusive Polish representative of The International Toy Magazines Association (ITMA).

Chronos Catalog editon 2023


The only publication on the Polish market presenting models of watches from the latest collections presented at the exhibition in Basel. A MUST HAVE item for all those who are interested in watches. The technical parameters of each model make it easy to compare and evaluate watches. It is published once a year. The editorial content presented in the Chronos catalog is supplemented by the portal. The catalog can be purchased separately or as a Chronos subscription