Zegarki Biżuteria (Jewelry Watches)
Dedicated to professionals from jewellery and watch sector Zegarki&Biżuteria magazine is a business paper which reports all important for branch. Design, trends, fairs, technology and selling – our editorial team reports and asks experts, attending the most important events and trade fairs. All these transfered into high quality editorial, delivered four time a year to desks of decision makers. Zegarki&Bizuteria is a reliable platform to communicate and find new business partners.
See older releases: PDF FlipBookMagazine Crew:
Editorial: Dorota Mazurek, dmazurek@unit.com.pl
Advertising: Joanna Pratzer, jpratzer@unit.com.pl
Advertising Services: Ewa Kowalska, koordynacja@unit.com.pl
Subscription: prenumerata@unit.com.pl
Current issue: 3-4/2024
Editions per year: (2): 1-2/2025, 3-4/2025
Products in the category: Zegarki Biżuteria