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Monitor Kulturalny 3/2020
Tax included
Monitor Kulturalny is a magazine dedicated to booksellers, librarians and publishers of books and CDs with music and film. The new publications and reviews presented in the pages are intended to help in selecting the best offer that can be offered to customers of a bookstore or library. Each issue contains important information for the publishing and book market as well as libraries. The most important events in the life of the industry are described. Readers can also benefit from advice from specialists who will advise booksellers how to increase their turnover, and librarians how to attract new readers. The printed edition supplements the portal
Current issue: 2/2021
Editions per year: (4): 1/2025, 2/2025, 3/2025, 4/2025
AKTUALNOŚCI 02 24. odsłona Międzynarodowych Targów Książki w Krakowie® 04 INTEGRO, rozwojowo 04 XIX edycja konkurs Świat Przyjazny Dziecku 07 „#Każdy plakat pomaga” w edukacji uczniów! 19 Trwałe zatrzymanie spadku czytelnictwa KSIĄŻKI 12 Recenzje 28 Nowości WYWIAD 10 Wywiad z Alix E. Harrow 16 Rozmowa z Przemysławem Lewickim BIZNES 08 Planujesz podbić e-commerce? 24 59 proc. Polaków przekonanych o ryzyku drugiej fali pandemii 52 Światowe Badanie Uczciwości w Biznesie 2020 – raport EY
Monitor Kulturalny is a magazine dedicated to booksellers, librarians and publishers of books and CDs with music and film. The new publications and reviews presented in the pages are intended to help in selecting the best offer that can be offered to customers of a bookstore or library. Each issue contains important information for the publishing and book market as well as libraries. The most important events in the life of the industry are described. Readers can also benefit from advice from specialists who will advise booksellers how to increase their turnover, and librarians how to attract new readers. The printed edition supplements the portal